Here is some of the gratitude that is received from your generosity.
"Thank u for my shoes they are really cool and I like them." - York County Student
"Thank you so much for the shoes. I love them and I really needed them. Thank you." - York County Student
"My mom is going to be so happy!" - York County Student
"Our mom is going to LOVE these!" - York County Student
"These are so much better than the junky shoes I have now." - York County Student
"Do I really get to keep these new shoes?" - York County Student
"The kids were soooo happy to receive their shoes. You have been a tremendous blessing to our kids." - Courtney Jones, Social Worker
"I had two students receive new shoes from Steppin' High. They are two of eight children with limited resources. They were beaming after receiving their new shoes! You could see their pride in every step they took." - Laura Belcher, Teacher
"My little girl who received shoes from Steppin' High was delighted with her new shoes. I took her out in the hall to give them to her and when she opened the box her face lit up with a beautiful smile. She asked me if they were really for her and was amazed that they were the exact size she needed. She was eager to rush home and show them to her mother. What a wonderful way to support our children!" - York County Teacher
"Thank you so much for honoring the late request for shoes. I really appreciate your flexibility and your quick response. You are truly a blessing to our community and our students. Again, thanks bunches!" - York County Teacher
"Thank you, Linda, for letting me help this year. As a former school counselor, I know how much some of the students need and appreciate the shoes. When I've delivered shoes to schools and hear the counselor, principal, and school secretary become truly excited with our delivery, it warms my heart. I appreciate the counselor's emails or calls when a size isn't quite right as I know that they are trying to fit the student. One principal commented, 'Two of my young students came into school on a rainy day and asked me to wipe the mud off their new shoes. That really makes me know how much they love having the shoes.'" - Jan Phillips, Volunteer